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(55 ans)

Post� le 15/06/2018 � 08:07

On the way home, we started to set off firecrackers. The elder brother said: "We put the cannon in the morning, put the cannon in the afternoon, and fireworks and spring thunder in the evening."n the morning, my brother and I went to the river to play the artillery battle. Each of us had a box of guns, and both of us wiped it hard, rubbed it and threw it into the river, rubbing the cannon in the water with a bang []Buy Marlboro Cigarettes Online[/url], and the splashes splashed with my brother.n the afternoon, my brother and I played in the sky. I took the cannons upside down in the river, hitting them with a little artillery, and only heard a sound of ��ju��. The sky cannons flew up into the sky. Then there was a loud noise of ��bang�� and the splashes in the river could be seen []Cigarette Online[/url]. . I saw my brother put a cannon gun on the surface of the water. He pointed it up and the cannon blasted the water in the river into a raindrop.n the evening, we put fireworks and spring thunder on the doorstep. My brother and I decided to put the fireworks along with the spring thunder []Cigarette Tobacco For Sale[/url]. We put four fireworks on the soil together []Newport Cigarettes Price[/url], and after a while, I saw a colored fireball that was one by one fired out of the barrel and flew to the sky. The air crashed and the night was very beautiful []Newport Cigarettes Coupons[/url].

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