Pandora0816 Membre (35 ans)
Post� le 23/08/2010 � 09:13 I recently saw Ak in Charlotte ed hardy clothesat the Fanfest and we had a wonderful visit. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to see him one last time. That get together had to have been a gift from the Man upstairs. Scandor wasn't getting around to well but he never complained to me once. Jim Wehba was truly a man's man and was one of the legit ed hardy clothingtoughest guys I ever met in the wrestling business. Ak knew he had been dealt a challenging hand with prostate cancer but he never complained to me about it.
However, Ak did bring up the fact that Texas has beaten OU 4 of the past 5 years in football. The "squatty, fullback of the Vernon Lions" also made the point that a specific Saturday in ed hardy perfumeOctober was the only Saturday that God would allow fellow, lifelong Longhorn fan Dick Murdoch to watch TV perhaps referring to Dickie's notorious, mischievous demeanor. |